
Hagi Cafe


今日はなんと芸大生が住んでいたアパートを改修してオシャレに生まれ変わったHagiカフエに行ってきました。カフエは木造の躯体をスケルトンとして美しく見せる手法を取り、中を広く見せる手法をとっていて、思ったよりも広くみえます。 そんなカフエの入口横には二階に上がる木造階段があり、この階段を芸大生が昔は登っていたんだなーと思うとちょっとノスタルジーを感じてしまいました。






Yanaka Hagi Cafe we call world famous Japanese wooden framed skelton cafe .

Whenever visting Japan you may go to the Mt.Fuji or Kamakura ,and / or Asakusa .

But I strongly recommend you to visit Yanaka near Nippori station or Ueno Station.

As beuty of Wooden structure with Japanese carpenter which we call Daiku (大工)in Japanese .

Comity here is very rural of Tokyo Japan but still in the circle of Yamanote line . Also This building has been remodeled from condo’s of national university of art in Japan which is the top of the top of Art and Music in Japan. The cafe is so good with sweets of ice cream and or Japanese sweet.

What’s more , you can see the Japanese grave just next to this building.

Also the Japanese street shop is so good and cheap with fish fries starting with 60 cent(US$) . Can you believe the gasoline is 7$ iper gallon in California on those day’s

I love to show you around if you like . You comment is always welcome . I am very interested to meet you in the world.

If you see the pictures bellow , you may feel as if you have gone back the 30 years go that time we call Showa (昭和).Also buy the Tofu which is made from Soy milk. there in the picture below.



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